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Need help, beginner modding question


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Grab FO4EDIT from here. Open up the Fallout4.esm with it, and go down to the Ingestible group. Within this group, you will find the entry for Jet. If you look at the effects under the record for Jet, you will see the slow time effect is controlled by the a Magic Effect; SlowTimeJet "Jet: Slow Time" [MGEF:00248900]. Immediately under the effect sub-record is the EFIT, or Magnitude, Area and Duration sub-record. Here you will see the magnitude of the effect is 0.3, and the duration is 10.


So, if you wanted to extend the duration of the slow time effect to 30, you'd copy the Jet record as a override record into a new plugin. To do this, right-click on the record, and "Copy as override into...". This will prompt you to create your new plugin. Name it and add Fallout4.esm as the master. Within your plugin, go to the EFIT sub-record of the Jet record, right-click on the Duration value entry, click Edit and change the value to 30. Save the plugin and enable the game to load it and the slow time effect should now last 30 seconds.

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How do you open it with Fallout 4? I have never used this program before but I'd like to learn, and I am pretty confused as when I follow the installation instructions and open it, it gives me an error that it can't find skyrim. Am I missing something obvious?


Download the file mentioned in the post above yours, and rename TES5Edit.exe to FO4Edit.exe


Then open FO4Edit.exe and select Fallout4.esm and hit ok. BAM now you have the ability to edit any record you wish. Reply if you want me to show you (using screenshots) what steps are involved for extending jet's effect durration.

Edited by ShinraStrife
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Got it, thanks. I wasn't the OP, I was just confused as I am unfamiliar with this program and I didn't know how to make it work with Fallout 4.


Thanks again!

Oh my bad XD It's been a long day.

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Got it, thanks. I wasn't the OP, I was just confused as I am unfamiliar with this program and I didn't know how to make it work with Fallout 4.


Thanks again!

Oh my bad XD It's been a long day.


so i have done what you told sir,but how do i enable the game to load the file??

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Hate to ask but I'm having an awful time trying to get this working. I downloaded the file from https://github.com/TES5Edit/TES5Edit but I can't seem to make this work. I can't find the exe to change and when opening TES I keep getting the cannot edit message. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

download it by Xylozi's link and then rename TESEdit.exe file by FO4Edit.exe.I hope it helps

Edited by peaku
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