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Spell Ideas and possibly modder support for large mod


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I'm making a mod that does add the fortress, this happened after I saw what a sham the fortress in NWN 2 was, I've been planning a large mod that includes a full crafting system, including the ability to enhance enchantments, create scrolls, enhance weapon and armor stats, create weapons an armor, basically anything I can touch with OBSE's latest version will be included to allow the player to buff their enchantments and spells or other things. This will include as many new scripted spells that I can think of. It will add random wandering NPC's to towns and roads, add things to merchants' cells so that you can actually make money from theft. It will also include a purchaseable spellmaking and enchanting altar for the fortress. As well as the ability to recruit and train troops. The troops will come in all the standard flavors as the player expands the fortress. I.E. adding the Hall of Magecraft will allow the player to recruit mages, adding the Archery hall will give the player access to marksmen, and many more troop types. The fortress itself will come under attack periodically, depending on whom you ally yourself with. But there will always be monsters and bandits. As I mentioned the player will be able to choose who to ally with, some current ideas are the Imperial Forces, Mages Guild, Fighters Guild. Adding extra troops should you choose to ally, or they will attack the fort on a regular basis. To enhance the crafting system, there will be several "Raid Dungeons" that will have the player fighting along side with a battalion of his own soldiers to secure the area, or collect a piece of an Epic Spell. Other battles will include clearing out an ebony ore, or other material ore mine so that the player has the raw materials coming from someplace other than breaking down items into ingots. There might be others based on request, like taking control of a tomb to raise undead soldiers. There will be a stat uncapping system as well as tons of abilities to complement the Epic Spells to make the player truely a hero, with more power than a small army.(No pun intended :P) I want to add custom alchemy ingredients, but I can't model so I'm extremely limited in what I can make. Epic spells will be researched by combining various new books that contain bits of info in them, the mechanism will either involve an Arch Mage NPC or player based. There's too much to add to include in here, but there is more. What I need is for you modders, or nonmodders alike is to give me ideas for spells and other things. I'm hoping that at least one modeler will see this and help me, and I'd really like to see some others helping me with this massive mod. If you are interested in helping, modeling or through the CS, contact me via PM. If you have suggestions for spells/etc please post them here in this thread. Thank you.
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First... I would start with something smaller. What you suggest is a fairly massive project, and even trying to do it with a team of semi-capable people probably wouldn't work out. More importantly, with all the scripting involved with getting anything like the fortress working (just with one faction, ignoring all other elements you may want to have) requires quite alot of ability to do it more than once. Then there are the own internal limitations of the AI and Oblivion.


My suggestion is to stick to only one aspect that you really want to do, and can do with your current abilities. You'll be more likely to finishing anything. I don't know how many large mods I've seen fail because people were unwilling to accept this. Even when you have a team working on a mod, it's best to stick to things you can accomplish in less than a month or two. Most team mods fail because someone from that team just disappears, and this is usually when the team is waiting on their work. Large mods just shouldn't be started on whim, no matter how cool it seems. I'm toying around with a large mod idea myself, but know how much work it would take, and realize I probably wouldn't be able to remain focused on it for the several months it would take to complete enough to get anyone else involved. As your mod doesn't seem to be something that could be broken up into parts for other people to work on simultaniously, even outside help isn't much of an option.

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