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Fix guass rifle recoil.


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I have been playing this game for about 114 hours now and I have taken to using a gauss rifle as my primary gun, however I noticed there is far too much recoil considering what the gun uses to propel its ammo. I mean the thing has the STRONGEST recoil in the game I have encountered thus far including the legendary/named shotgun you get in that raider base made out of old ships. I mean come on, it's using magnetic fields to pull the round from one pair of coils to the next. I mean if it's really a gauss system it should not recoil at all.


I realize that some people would consider this overpowered but you have to keep in mind the current level of recoil is so freaking insane that your effective fire rate is about 1/3 of what the gun is capable of doing. Add to that fact the ammo is insanely expensive and I think it should be fair if this gun was truly better than a plasma rifle instead of only sometimes more useful. I'm thinking 38% of current recoil and perhaps 25% better hip fire would make the gun make sense to use.


Thanks for listening to my rant.

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