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Weapon aiming animation replacements


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I've see many guns like the combat rifle sharing one problem, the aiming animation is terrible, if possible I would request someone who tinkers with animation files, see if there could be a better animation found for those guns, for example the Institute rifle, laser rifle and laser musket have really good animations as the iron sight of the weapon lines up with the characters eye.

Now I have no idea if the animation is same or/and the weapon height itself matters where the character holds the gun.


The weapons i've seen that have odd weapon animations are pipe weapons, old war weapons like combat rifle, submachine gun ( tommy gun ) Syringe rifle that looks like a pipe rifle although the animations for that gun are well done.


Basically, I am asking for more professional animations, after all as especially the male protagonist is an army soldier, he should know how to hold a gun right.


I also added a picture to explain what I meant when it comes to weapon wield animations when aiming.


Edited by EagleFox
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