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Improved Hunting and Modification Rich Weapons


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I've been cooking up quite a few ideas for mods that I feel would vastly improve upon the Fallout 4 experience. Only problem is, I have no idea how to make this stuff.



This would add a feature similar to the hunting in the Far Cry franchise. The map would track packs of wasteland creatures that drop useful food materials and hides, like radstags, deathclaws, and mongrel dogs. Rather than already being discovered like they are in Far Cry, they would be able to be discovered but cannot be fast traveled to. Not sure if this would make the food system that's in place already more over powered, but it could be appreciated by many who like this kind of feature.


Modification Rich Weapons:

I was thinking it could be a set of base weapons, like a pistol, assault rifle, shotgun, sniper rifle, and rocket launcher. Every one of them could be modified for different situations and play types, such as modifying the shotgun to shoot slugs, turning the sniper rifle into a DMR, and turning the rocket launcher into a grenade launcher. That alone wouldn't be anything special, but these guns would also have the option to add the legendary modifiers to them through crafting. Like the previous mod suggestion, this may make the modification feature a bit over powered, but again, it may be appreciated by many as options for end-game weapons that you could make rather than having to find at random.

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