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Mizranda Chateau - Check out my house mod ^.^


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I uploaded this a couple weeks ago, but it's gotten pretty buried what with the new expansion and all. So I figured I'd post it on the forums here and see if more people might be interested in it. So check it out!






<3 - KarmaKimmy7




Mizranda Chateau was built with the simple intention of having a home in which to display everything in the game, prettily and tastefully. There are many secrets in this house.


The chateau sits on it’s own island north of Leyawiin and south of Bravil. It is complete with bridge and sheep yard, and boasts twelve rooms (all separated to reduce lag) each with a specific theme and purpose.


The Entrance Hall is filled with rare and beautiful statues of the Daedric Gods, and corresponding display cases and tables on which you can find displayed the various treasures they have presented you.


The Dining Room is always kept well stocked with delicious and exotic foods and wines.


The Mage’s Study is decorated in a style to befit an esteemed member of the Mage’s Guild. It is complete with fungi garden, storage for all your potions, scrolls, and ingredients, and an oversized display case perfect for displaying staves.


The Champion’s Trophy Room is fit only for the Champion of Cyrodiil, and boasts a décor suited to such a highly advanced member of the blades.


The Library is a charming study filled with books gathered by a very persistent collector.


The Bedroom is a cozy escape located at the top of the manor. This lovely bedroom suite comes complete with attached privy (indoors!) and lavish dressing room.


In the Basement, you will find a display room, filled with various display cases, which showcase odd but wonderful treasures that didn’t seem to fit anywhere else.


The Bath is a one-of-a-kind feature, a place where world-weary adventurers can take a … bath. This room is built on top of a natural hot spring, making it the perfect spot for a relaxing soak.


The Fighter’s Keep is decorated with the esteemed fighter in mind, and is supplied with every type of armor and weapon ever crafted. Included is a nook for displaying the treasures of a venerated member of the Fighter’s Guild.


Attached is a training room, for keeping fighting and adventuring skills sharp. In this area, you will find a nook dedicated to the Arena, and a similar nook dedicated to the various different guard armors of Tamriel.


The Thief’s Den is to be enjoyed by a skilled, industrious thief. In this room, you will find several display areas, and a secret.


A clever adventurer might find the darkest secret of the manor: The Lair. This room was built to appeal to life’s more vile occupations, and connects to an escape route which leads outside.




The Ingredient Jars in the Mages Room were created by the very talented Dark Jester and I thank him for allowing us to use this wonderful mod.


Everything else in the house is put together from ‘vanilla’ in-game objects by Bethesda. Thank you for making such an awesome game!


I hope you enjoy this house just a smidgeon as much as I enjoyed making it. I’m a devoted perfectionist, so if you find anything wrong or buggy about Mizranda Chateau, please e-mail me at [email protected] so I can try to fix it. Also welcome are comments and suggestions. I plan to improve this mod in the future with more rooms, secrets, and of course objects from the expansions, as well as quests and npcs. ^.^

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Okay, I got it and heres what I think.


About the whole House: I don't really like Leyawiin style, but thats preference and i think you did well with it anyway. You have set up the house nicely for people to put their stuff on display, problem is that some stuff is already there that I would like to place myself. Such as all thouse suits of armor. I don' t mind that, but then Where do I stick the armor I have found myself?


The Lair: Nice place, good for my character. Could usel more container, of any kind. It would also be nice if you put some necromance things in there, or a place JUST for necromancers. Also Somewhere (the lair would work) you should put in Cattle. Those people that sleep forever so us Vamps can feed.


The Thieves Den: Very nice, I like it. I suggest Emptying the vaults so that people can gather their own loot to fill it with. A door on the vault would also be cool, and a rack to hang the cowl.


The Fighters Keep: The main problem is you have those mini armor racks which are a bit pointless, cause we can't use them. The training room was fun, but that cage was a bit hard to jump into (i alawys went to high) In the "arena" area, you only need one spare rainment table, cause you only get one rainment of valour in the arena.


The Mages Study: Nothing much I care from in magestry. I think you should add in (empty) poition and poison cabinets though.


The Bedroom: Fine room, but why did you put in the shackles that everyone clearly gets at the begining of the game? I assum those are there because they symbolise the players past, but I brought my own shackles.


The Trophy Room: I couldn't really see much use for it, as I other places to put all my stuff. Maybe i'll put something there later.


The Library: Not enough room for my own books. Needs more cabinets/chests.


The Main Hall: Change the statuets into activators, so you can see the name of the god and thus, the artifact accosiated with him/her.


Dinning Room: The table is over crouded. I bumbed it and half the stuff fell on the floor.


Otherwise its a great house, and I like it alot. Hope you make atleast some of my changes.

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Thanx so much for your feedback!


I understand what you're saying about the armor. In the next version I plan to use mannequins or something that's easily changed by the player, and I don't think I'll be including whole sets of everything in the game, just places to put it.


Containers... yes, a lot of the rooms in the house could use some more containers. That's definitely in the plans for the next version. And the vampire room would benefit from a 'cattle' prisoner.... perhaps I could work that into a quest and make it a little more interesting.


I used the top middle shelve in the Thief’s Den for the cowl. A couple doors for that area are an easy fix.


As for the cage at the end of the obstacle course, it's supposed to be very tricky to jump into. Try jumping into the air and then waiting a second or two to move forward. ;) And good call about the arena raiment table, I'll fix that.


As for the shackles, they're pretty unnecessary. Sometimes it's hard to draw the line between what to have the player collect and what to have already collected... I'll hafta work on that some more.


Every book in the game is already jammed into the library, but I didn't leave much room for books from the expansions or mods. I'll put some more storage in, and maybe edit down what's already there.


Changing the statues into activators- awesome idea! I'm so using that.


As for all the food on the dinning room table- yes, it is all the food in the game. But I can't change that, because one of my favorite things to do is go into that room and fling food all over the place. Don't worry; it cleans itself up every three days when the cell resets. ;D


Again, thanx a lot for checking it out, I really appreciate your ideas!


<3 - KarmaKimmy7

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I downloaded and installed this one early last week, but circumstances left me with little time to check it as thoroughly as I would like. I crashed the first night.. not your house's fault and then had lots of interruptions. My first impression of it was pretty good, but I had a few thoughts on it. Unfortunately, my mind is not the steel trap it should be after a week, so when I go back into the game again tonight or tomorrow, I will finish my tour of the home.


I do remember that the training arena had me totally confused. It will probably never be one I would use, so for me a wasted room. I have seen some homes that put in a button that let you call an opponent to fight and train up your skill and I really like those. They are not a common thing to find though. I suppose it's something to be scripted or otherwise difficult to deal with.


I don't care for 'sorters' usually so that is just deco to me. It's a lovely house and placed in a pretty area. No bogging down in the house or the lair, etc. Lighting is ok. Maybe it's me, most lighting looks too bright in some spots and not bright enough in others. With your house, the lighting is pretty well distributed and no glaring places to really cause an issue on my eyes.


I love the bath. :)

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Another thing, in the fighets keep all those suits of armor and weapons causes me a lot of lag. This may be due to all the havok rendering, but more probably due to the graphical rendering. If it is because of the havok placing the items on maequins will fix it.
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The training room is designed to train acrobatics, and it's also worth your time to practice a little archery in there too. In the next release I plan to add more to train other skills, including combat ^.^


Also, thank you for your kind compliments! Lighting is something I obsess over, lol.




Manniquins are a must. Can you suggest a reliable mod for that?




Here are your pics:
















<3 - KarmaKimmy7

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