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Better warning for Settlements being under attack


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The warning in game pops up for like 1 second in the left corner once, other than that you can see it as a misc quest. If you miss those, you get failed after a while and got to reload save, unless you miss failed part as well (which is easy) since left corner often spams useless information, so it's easy to ignore.


So i think there should be a mod that gives a better and an obvious warning, maybe at the top of the screen for longer? Maybe something persistent in Pipboy? A persistent warning sign (like exclamation mark in a triangle) in the left corner? I'm not sure.


Something that could be easier to implement perhaps is to make the vanilla warning appear multiple times and perhaps stay up for longer, something like this would definitely help.


Settlements get attacked quite rarely, so it sucks to miss that and i think majority of people want to defend their settlements.

Edited by frozenkex
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Someone please make this happen !


The sidequest is mentioned in the Quests tab in the Pipboy, but it would be nice to have a persistent visual reminder in the main screen.


I mean you take all the trouble of building a settlement with a defense and it's so much fun to experience raiders being blown up by your own built defense grid... you miss out on these experiences becoz of the current warning blip.

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