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I believe a Radiation Poisoning Overhaul would be, not only immersive but really needed for the game.
As it stands now, it just reduces the max life and doesn't even look all that dangerous... to better make a suggestion here, I'll get the radiation poisoning effects on fallout 3 and actual symptoms to try and think of something that could be done without removing the effect that already has of reducing the maximum life.


Fallout 3:


0-199 No Effect
200-399 Minor Radiation Poisoning -1 END
400-599 Advanced Radiation Poisoning -2 END, -1 AGL
600-799 Critical Radiation Poisoning -1 STR, -3 END, -2 AGL
800-999 Deadly Radiation Poisoning -2 STR, -3 END, -2 AGL

1000+ Lethal Radiation Poisoning DEATH


Actual radiation symptoms:


Mild exposure(1-2 Gy) Moderate exposure(2-6 Gy) Severe exposure(6-9 Gy) Very severe exposure(10+ Gy)

Nausea and vomiting 6 hours | 2 hours | 1 hour | 10 minutes
Weakness, fatigue 4 weeks | 1-4 weeks | 1 week | Immediate
Diarrhea -- | 8 hours | 3 hours | 1 hour
Headache -- | 24 hours | 4 hours | 2 hours
Fever -- | 3 hours | 1 hour | 1 hour
Dizziness and disorientation -- | -- | 1 week | Immediate
Hair loss,
bloody vomit and stools, -- | 1-4 weeks | 1 week | Immediate
infections, poor wound healing,
low blood pressure
As RadAway heals 300 Rads what comes to my mind would be that "symptoms" should start around there, that way, whenever you start getting symptoms it's not gonna be a single RadAway that solves your problems. Now, on with the list.
Remembering, keeping the "-1% MaxHP/10Rads" already present in the game.
0-199: No effect.
No message.
200-299: No effect
Message: "I'm feeling a bit nauseous."
300-499: -1 END, -1 AGL
Message: "I feel so weak... My head is starting to hurt a bit."
500-599: -1 STR, -1 PER, -2 END, -1 AGL
Message: "There's definetly something wrong with me. I can't seem to stop vomiting... Argh, my head!"
Sound effects of the character grunting and other nausea sounds, companions start to ask if you are okay and demonstrate concern.
600-699:-1 STR, -2 PER, -2 END, -1 CHR, -2 AGL
Message: "Is my hair falling? Argh, my head feel like a Fat Boy fell on top of me! I'm so dizzy right now..."
Sound effects agravate, companions demonstrate more concern to your state and look for something that might help (5% Chance to get a RadAway every 30 minutes). Blurry vision effect from time to time.
700-899: -2 STR, -2 PER,-3 END, -1 CHR, -1INT, -3 AGL, -1 LCK
Message: "My body feels like it's on fire! I can't remember what I was supposed to be doing. It just hurts so bad, right now! I've started to puke blood now and my skin started to peel off. Am I turning into a ghoul, perhaps? I really need help."
Permanent blurry vision effect. Can't run nor fast travel. Companions demonstrate real concern and look for RadAways around the character (15% Chance to gain a RadAway every 15 minutes, 1% chance to get a Refreshing Beverage), Aggravated sound effects, Slightly ghoulish apperance.
900-999: -3 STR, -3 PER, -4 END, -2 CHR, -2 INT, -4 AGL, -2 LCK => Message: "I'm dying! I'm definitely dying! Someone, please, help me!" => Permanent blurry vision. Vision darkens from time to time as if the character was losing and regaining consciousness. Character moves left and right while walking (can't walk straight). Can't run nor fast travel. Can't shoot or attack. Companions demonstrate real concern for your state and desperately look for a way to help (30% chance of RadAways every 5 minutes, 5% chance of refreshing beverage). Sound effects same as previous, but with desperate, weak, cries of help from time to time and sounds of crying. Ghoulish appearance (15% chance to become permanent even if healed, getting a permanent -2 CHR)
1000: R.I.P. Dies. The End. Fin. Fim.

This will DEFINITELY need GECK and a LOT of work to be made, but not only would it introduce a new level of challenge and immersion, it also enhances the depth of the game by making the player also worried by their character when hearing their suffering and companions concern. Radiation is REALLY dangerous for life and the game should better portray it's dangers and the suffering it can cause.
Edited by Runestones
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Besides becoming a Ghoul, other mutations could also be added depending on how high your radiation got before being cured, like what happens at fallout 3 during the Moira mission to write the Wasteland Survival Guide, when you get the Rad Regeneration Perk.

A few Quest perks could be added as mutations to the game as well, besides the bad mutations.

600+Rads is the minimum amount needed for a chance roll at getting a mutation.
Some examples:


Perky Mutations

Rad Regeneration = Crippled limbs automatically regenerate above 400 Rads

Rad Absorption = 15% Rad resistance + 5 HP & AP regen per second while taking rad damage
Lighter Legs = Run speed x 1.5 but also receive 1.5x fall damage

Third eye = cheaper V.A.T.S + 15% Max AP but -1 CHR + Character has a third eye in the forehead

Super Mutant Muscles = +2 STR + Unarmed Damage x2 but -1 INT

Hard Skin = Receive 10% Less damage

Chameleon Hair = +2 CHR + Harder to spot when sneaking + Character hair changes color constantly but only in effect when not using a hat or a helmet



Bad Mutations

Ghoul = -2 CHR + Ghoulish appearance (Only possible above 900 Rads)

Muscular Atrophy = -2 STR

Acute Pain = -1 END
Open Wound = -1HP/s when sprinting (clothes rubbing on wound + bleeding)
Weak Lungs = -15% Max AP

Soft Flesh = Receive 10% More damage
Glowing Skin = 30% Easier to spot when sneaking + Character Glows

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  • 10 months later...

Just found this old post of mine and kind of wished to ask the community if it might be something possible nowadays or if there is something like this out there. Does anybody know?
Have been thinking of playing fallout again and starting a new game (which I'll definitely have to optimize to a low end PC, if anybody can point me to a good pack/tutorial for that, it will be highly appreciated)

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Thank you ^^ Took me a while to check the forum again, sorry I did not reply earlier, mcniff12345
I'd like for someone to tell me if this is currently possible. I haven't been playing nor checking for mods for quite some time actually, but I believe an overhaul like this would be seriously awesome and worth playing again just to check it out.

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Just recently have I found out that GECK for Fallout 4 is finally out. So I'd like to ask those that have some experience modding already and anyone reading this that might know. How doable is this idea? In what time-span do you believe this could be done?

If you, reading this right now, has some experience modding:
Would you be interested in creating or helping to create said mod?
How could a group be organized to work together in a project like this voluntarily in the most effective way?
Would you be interested in joining a group like that?

If anyone wishes to take up on this idea, please, comment and, with whatever I can, if I can, I'd be willing to help.

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