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It's great that you can use a vertibird to cart you around as a real-time method of travel instead of the non-interactive and anti-immersive instant warp through the menus, but the robotic and slow landing is not nearly as badass as it could be. You can survive great drops while inside Power Armors, so why can't you combat drop from the birds in mid-flight?


I noticed you have the option to manually force an early landing while flying somewhere along your route after you set a travel point and are in the air, but I'm dying for the ability to skip that nonsense and just dive bomb into a group of bad guys below.


Probably not possible until the official tools?

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  • 5 months later...

i like this idea too. the vertibirds should have more commands while in air, like circling a location when you get there instead of landing right away. you could always tell them to land when your ready :)

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I remember seeing something in the controls about doing this. E to land or T to jump out or something. But Yes I'm all for this especially circling a target like you do when you're fighting the behemoth.


I'd also like the vertibird to fly whereever the heck I want. regardless of the fact I discovered it not. Last night I flew from one end of the map back to the Airship and found several locations. So why not just fly to a map market or something I place?

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