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Option to search in inventory and unread notification


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Two ideas:

Option to search in Pipboy menu.

At my settlement workbench, I am hoarding a bunch of stuff and it becomes a pain to scroll through 100s (literally at endgame) of items to get the one you want. I know you can sort various ways (damage, value, weight), but that doesn't really help any. I want to be able to search by entering a keyword/letter and every item without it disappears.



Unread/Unused notification in MISC. part of inventory

I have hundreds of holotapes, letters, notes, etc. in my misc. part of inventory currently. It'd be nice to have a way to tell if you have not read the letter or holotape. Sometimes I barely see the notification in time that I got something to read/listen to so I can only assume in the inventory there has to be one or two that I didn't see in time and probably lead to quests or something.



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