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How do you remove lava using the CS?


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I am using the mage's hub mod and found, to my horror, that important npcs inevitably found their way inside (i assume oblivion never checks whether the npcs have keys) and then leap into the lava, which is initially amusing until you realise you needed them for quests. Is there any way to replace the lava? Looking at the relevant interior reveals fires, but nothing i can click on in the render window to edit.


In future games, i will avoid this mod as a deathtrap but right now i'd rather just fix this game up.

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Lava (and water) isn't an object. You can change it by going to the world menu at the top, then cells and then find the correct cell. There are a few things you can do now:


Uncheck the 'Has Water' checkbox so there won't be any lava at all. I don't know how deep the lava was, but if there's no ground underneath they will still fall to their death.


Change the number next to 'height' to change the height of the lava. Don't really know why this would help you... But it's an option!


Change the watertype from lava to normal water ('DefaultWater' works fine). Now the npc's can at least swim in it without dying!

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