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Minigun Remake


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So i always wondered why the Minigun only have so little mods, but so much potential. So my request is that can anyone Remake and add new mods?


1.) Barrel Mod


A.) Tri-Barrel:


- Rechamber from 5mm to .50 Round

+ Deals 35 Base Damage + Penetration


B.) Accelerated Barrel


- Has no bonus damage

+ Fire-Rate to 627


2.) Magazine Slots:


A.) Low-Capacity Drum-Magazine


+ -200 Ammo Capacity, 500 -> 300.
+ -40% Weight

B.) Ultra Low-Capacity Drum-Magazine


+ -300 Ammo Capacity, 500 -> 200.
+ -60% Weight
Edited by The6thMessenger
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.308 would make more sense, the M134 uses 7.62 mm, which is nearly identical.


Lol, actually the 7.62mm NATO is basically the .308 Winchester. And the 5.56mm is the .223 Remington.


Although the mix of components are different, like the 5.56mm uses a bit more dirty but powerful propellant than the .223 Remington. It also fouled the M16's reciever, that's why it jammed the M16 constantly if not cleaned during the Vietnam War.

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I would like to add to the OP's list there. I agree that the mini gun and power armor is a good thing. What I would like to see, in the mix, is a zoom mod, like you would get with a scoped weapon, for the mini gun. Not really put the gun up to your shoulder and zoom in, but more like your power armor helmet and the minigun connect up, and you zoom that way. A remote camera. And you would slow down, because you are zoomed in.


Add to the ammo capacity, a backpack that could hold say 1k rounds, at .50 caliber, or up to 5k rounds of 5.56 mm, or .223 caliber. And it belt feed from the backpack to the minigun.

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