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Power Armor Better Actions


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So, all in all, Fallout 4 is a pretty good game with a few things that could use some tweaking. A few of these tweaks have become evident and should be made. Unfortunately, I have no experience with modding.

The idea for the mod(s) is that in power armor...

(1)When you're looting, it shows better loot than what you're wearing currently with a plus on the side. But when you have power armor on, it has to be better than the power armor for the plus to show up. Because of the long and tedious animation, it is annoying to take off the power armor every time you want to loot somebody. Even with a mod that speeds up the animation, it still takes longer than it would to just ignore the power armor in terms of looting.

(2)Whenever you're about to hack, lockpick, and a few other actions, it will say "You cannot do this in Power Armor." Again, it's stupid and tedious to get out of the power armor, hack, and get back in. (Especially if you're in combat.)


So as a recap, a mod or set of mods that would fix the looting system and actions in power armor would be great.


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