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FO4 Fire Rate


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This one controls animation speed, so it does increase fire rate (smaller number = faster animation), but also increases reload speed.

e: It's possible it might not affect reload speed, just realised I changed something else around the same time that might be responsible for that. Try it and see, I guess.

Edited by th1nk
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Thanks, th1nk. Will check.

I guess this is a delay between the shots for semi-auto weapons.

Yeah, it's not fire rate. Or at least if it is, it didn't work any of the ways I tried it.


If this helps at all, rate of fire can't just be an integer. ie; 10 or 15. It may display that way in-game, but if you take a .44 or pipe revolver with a fire rate of 7 then add the rapid legendary modifier to it, it still reads 7. Now use a stop watch and shoots noticably faster even though the fire rate still reads 7.

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