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Composite Beam Rifle


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that is both disgusting and epic at once.


I've made a fair few efforts towards constant-beam lasers, the usual method is to make a low-damage laser weapon which fires full-auto at insane rates. adjusting the projectile to fade slightly slower than usual helps with blending the beams as well. with some tuning, it looks like a steady beam, depends on the beam projectile you use. my Tesla Beam Cannon

mod (for fallout 3) worked quite well.

I've made a couple similar efforts for new vegas, nothing noteworthy though.

the real problem I have is with sound-effects. apart from the looping sound-effects which I'd rather avoid (due to recognisability), generally my beam weapons make a ridiculous amount of noise.

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that is both disgusting and epic at once.


I've made a fair few efforts towards constant-beam lasers, the usual method is to make a low-damage laser weapon which fires full-auto at insane rates. adjusting the projectile to fade slightly slower than usual helps with blending the beams as well. with some tuning, it looks like a steady beam, depends on the beam projectile you use. my Tesla Beam Cannon

mod (for fallout 3) worked quite well.

I've made a couple similar efforts for new vegas, nothing noteworthy though.

the real problem I have is with sound-effects. apart from the looping sound-effects which I'd rather avoid (due to recognisability), generally my beam weapons make a ridiculous amount of noise.


Can you upload them please? I would like to see what you have done.


Also, this can be done with rifle weapons right? Not just heavy weapons like the flamethrower?

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as I say, nothing noteworthy :P

the Tesla Beam Cannon works considerably better.

keep in mind that ammunition is the other problem, I'm still trying to come up with a way to make the weapon have a reasonable ammunition consumption. either its infinite ammo, regenerates ammo (hard to tune) or uses the TBC method, which is to damage the weapon and repair it with Fission Batteries or something similarly sensible to recharge it. but otherwise infinite ammo.

otherwise we're talking a weapon which can and does use up hundreds of rounds per couple seconds.


the same method can be used on most weapon types, oddly shoulder-mounted weapons don't cope well with automatic firemodes...they seem to want to reload every shot or so. haven't figured out why.

its pretty simple, you fire a beam weapon fast enough that the individual shots are indistinguishable from the mass of weapons fire....everything else is game-balancing.

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I like the regenerating ammo idea. Set the stock to 500, have it fully regenerated in 10 seconds. Low DP (9mm rank), low dmg (Like... 1), high cost to repair (Set the durability low-ish), 0 spread and compatible with Meltdown perk. Have it also, maybe, disintegrate armor by 1 durability per 'bullet'.


-Issues you would run into: VATS firing, potentially. Too high or low makes it utterly useless in VATS

-RNG for the 'misfire'/'bullet curve' thing that New Vegas has going. One shot every so often might skim sideways.


As for the sound, why give it a sound? Maybe the beam is so intense that it literally dissolves air rather than creating a noise. Sound can only be created by rippling air molecules (or other molecules). It might simply fry said molecules into antimatter by whatever weirdness powers it.

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got to thinking on this.


got a video of what i came up with will upload in a few hours.


will upload mod tonight when i get home and have a little time to tweak it.. but its pretty nice as is.

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as I say, nothing noteworthy :P

the Tesla Beam Cannon works considerably better.

keep in mind that ammunition is the other problem, I'm still trying to come up with a way to make the weapon have a reasonable ammunition consumption. either its infinite ammo, regenerates ammo (hard to tune) or uses the TBC method, which is to damage the weapon and repair it with Fission Batteries or something similarly sensible to recharge it. but otherwise infinite ammo.

otherwise we're talking a weapon which can and does use up hundreds of rounds per couple seconds.


the same method can be used on most weapon types, oddly shoulder-mounted weapons don't cope well with automatic firemodes...they seem to want to reload every shot or so. haven't figured out why.

its pretty simple, you fire a beam weapon fast enough that the individual shots are indistinguishable from the mass of weapons fire....everything else is game-balancing.


There is a new projectile type in the NV geck for continuous beams, I think.

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in every case ive tried the continuous laser projectile caused a crash.. and without documentation anywhere as to its syntax i am assuming im either doing something wrong or it just plain doesn't work.
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