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I have figured out the entire texture.cache in .dds format for anyone that wants some textures! :D


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I'll need to upload the database of them especially once I sort the massive amount of textures into their respective folders. Anyone that wants a texture let me know what and/or the filename if possible and I will get them to you.




The correct way to call the lua script is dofile("[name of script]") "[absolute filepath of archive]" "absolute path for output" any arguments regarding format to extract [w2meshes, texture data, etc]


BE WARNED HOWEVER, the lua script does not seem capable of creating the folder used to output to. It will be MUCH easier if you create the folder to output extracted files beforehand to avoid any issues.


Happy modding and I sincerely hope this helps some people!



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Hi there. I've searched for quite a while now, and I haven't found any re-texture mod for performance, so I assume they don't exist yet, which I'm flabbergasted by! So, I thought about making one myself. However, I've never made a mod. Heck, the only lead I have is that a mod that did this exact thing for Fallout 4 re-textured all textures to 512 and 256... Pixels? I assume? I don't even know. All I know is that that mod made it possible for me to play at 35-40 FPS, which I'm very satisfied about.


So, this is where you come in, my new best friend! It seems you got the know-how and the textures as well! If you're willing, and I strongly hope you are, would you mind either lead me in the right direction or give me a very unnecessary, detailed "How to"? This is probably a lot to ask, but, man. I hope you say yes. I also assume that after/if I learn to do the first file, it's just a matter of doing the same thing over and over. And over... You know, for what would seem like a long time, ha!


Oh yeah, I should mention, I don't actually have the game yet, since I haven't found any performance boosting mods that'd let me run it with a playable FPS. However, if you're willing to throw me a bone, I'll buy it, get access to the files as well, and if all fails (after a long ass time of re-texturing) I'll get a refund. I'll obviously still upload my work, if it can help even a single person.


Thank you for reading.

Edited by JongFood
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