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Please Help me fix this


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Hey there everyone, Not sure if this is the place to post this but its the weekend and i need urgent help.


I have recently gone through Knots morrowind mod guide and i have followed it to the letter. (http://knotstheinane.blogspot.com/p/morrowind-modding-guide.html)

Now im having a problem, I have played for a few hours but now this bug is really starting to get to me and is ruining my level of immersion to the point where I refuse to play.

As you can see in the below image there is something severely wrong with the trees, It is not all the tress in the game but a large majority of the forest looks like this, including some shrubs.

Also, should be noted I am using MGE XE if that has anything to do with it.




I appreciate any help you can give me, I really was starting to enjoy morrowind and its new lease on life but this really is a deal-breaker.

p.s: Im not sure how to resize the picture, sorry for any inconvenience.

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As for the problem, im not sure but I can tell you that since the shaddows are working nicely on that hill that the problem is not with the files related to the trees but with the trees loading incorrectly.

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