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Please help me remove the plastic wrap look from my texture


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Using a base overlay for many models is not really lazy. The reason for doing that is to save memory, textures get loaded once into memory and can be used a million times and have the same footprint as just 1. If you can use the same specular map for a dozen items rather than each having their own that's a considerable dent in memory usage that can be used to add a few more items. It I smart game design to make textures that can be used with multiple models for themed settings like in Skyrim or FO3 interior building kits, many reused textures for those items allowing for more clutter and decoration with no increase in memory compared to each part using it's own textures.


I never thought of it that way. Good point.

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Thanks, Yes I would like to try that but I dont know how. Any chance you could link me to a handy tutorial? I imagine it's skyrim based at present. To be honest I need a good tutorial to understand all the different types of dds files how to edit them correctly. Have to start somewhere I gess.

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So you're a bit confused on the different types of textures? Or where to look for them?


Types of textures (copied from a post on a *cough* popular adult skyrim site):


.dds = diffuse map, the compressed texture itself

_msn.dds = should be the normal map

_s.dds = well since the specular map is in the _n.dds alpha i guess this is a gloss/shine map

_sk.dds = if i remember right these maps contain sub surface details


This was the case for skyrim at least. I haven't tried doing much texturing with FO4 but my guess is they kept the workflow the same.



As for the location:


I couldn't tell you to be honest. I don't have enough space on my project drive to extract all the texture archives and mull through them. You could try opening the sign's mesh in nifskope to see what textures it references. The specular might be there.





I was trying to change a texture for a new magazine and when I converted the BGSM to JSON I found these lines:


"fSubsurfaceLightingRolloff": 0.3,
"bSpecularEnabled": true,
"cSpecularColor": "#ffffff",
"fSpecularMult": 1.0,
Could the sign be using a material swap? If so I'd try messing with these values.
Edited by ShinraStrife
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