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Can't access TESnexus


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Basicly, i can't get onto TES Nexus right now, first it randomly crashed with some mySQL error (said something about a database error) and now my browser can't access it (hangs on loading, firefox). Is the site down or is it just Firefox playing up?


If it is down, thought i better let ya know :)

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It worked for me. Try this site to see if it is just you or if it is down for everyone.


Yeah that told me the site is up, thanks.


Yet still wont work on my end... How bizarre... Firefox must of betrayed me.


EDIT: I rebooted firefox and the issue persists, but when i switch the rendering engine it works?

Edited by spiritshadowx
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Yup, that's strange as I use Firefox also (v4.0). Are you using any add ons that block anything?


I have Adblock plus, But that is set to block google ads and known flash advertisment companies, and nothing else.


Here's a list of my firefox plugins if you care xD http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2635293/firefox%20plguins.jpg


(i have no greasemonkey scripts)

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I don't see anything there that should block TesNexus. I use Adblock plus also and have no problems - but that could have something to do with the particular filter set I use as opposed to the one you use.


I do not use AVG safe so that's another possibility.


Try clearing your browser cache and maybe cookies to see if that brings it back

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I don't see anything there that should block TesNexus. I use Adblock plus also and have no problems - but that could have something to do with the particular filter set I use as opposed to the one you use.


I do not use AVG safe so that's another possibility.


Try clearing your browser cache and maybe cookies to see if that brings it back


Thanks for your help, but i've connected to a different internet connection and it works fine now.


I would've said earlier, but i noticed i left IE engine on :pinch:

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