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post everything you think is lacking from fallout4 here


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I'm not making this to whine about fallout4 nor to rant about how good it is, nor to beg about random things I want.. no.. i'm making this so that we not just me can try to get things into the game that we the players feel should of been in the game already. so please post everything you feel is lacking and why. but don't post your random desires here.. I too would like maid clothing, blame bots and weapons, real's cloths and shotgun from ergo proxy.. yes.. and so much more but not here there is already another page going on about that. just post what you feel bethesda forgot or f-ed up on like..


quests.. why do I feel like i've already run out of them? I had way more hours in skyrim before this happen to me there.. we need way more quests..


more base items.. way more base items, I mean like real house parts and stuff aswell not just junk walls.


hardcore mode.. I can understand it not being in skyrim.. but after it being in fonv it just became a part of fallout from my point of view and likely to many others aswell. its like if the next fallout didn't have weapon bashing how odd would that feel?


also idk if its just me but the world.. it feels very small to me, I know there is a lot in this small little tiny map.. idk I just expected more, more places, and more massive places.


I cant name everything I feel is lacking from fallout4, however I am aware that things are because it feels like a beta. a very good beta.. as its good and everything is working from my point of view but it just doesn't feel done, it needs more.. maybe it wasn't done from bethesdas point of view but they needed to release it anyway? idk. but instead of whining about this and that, what Bethesda could of done, should of done, why not just take it into our own hands like we have always done? please feel free to express what things you think are lacking from the game and why, as you might inspire our moders to save fallout4 and make it everything it could of been and should of been.

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