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Interval Switches aligned to game time.


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Trying to sync up multiple Interval Switches is a daunting task and they fall out of sync soon. It would be great if every 1sec interval was aligned to the game time. That way it would be easy to set up multiple frames in animated billboards for example (when the 1st blinks on, the rest blink off; when the 2nd blinks on, the rest blink off; when the 3rd blinks on, the rest blink off etc). Also, adding a 0.5sec (and maybe even a 0.25sec) interval and multiple ons & offs (that can be, but don't have to be used) would be brilliant.


Cheers, boffins.

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  • 11 months later...

I know this is an old topic but you could use an XOR gate. I did it for a 2 stahe animation. when one light turns off the other automatically turns on. Im still trying to figure out the logoc circuit for another frame in the animation.


What I would like to see is a way to connect multiple terminals to a circuit with only the terminal directly connected with one wire to an object controlling that object at the moment one terminal controls everything connected to the circuit

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