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PC gaming almost over?


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I actually am starting to believe that pc gaming is starting to get less and less popular, but there will always be people (including me!) Who will still use it.

Just think... Halo 3, the most overly hyped game ever made (well it still is pretty good though) is going to be made fro 360 exclusively, probably for another 2 years. Probably in 2 years, everyone will be bored of Halo 3, and no one will care anymore.

And with the growing amount of people that are to lazy and dumb to get a computer that suits there needs, tweak it, install the game, and adjust the settings so it performs better (not saying all 360 gamers are like this, there are definitely many smart ones i know) there will be less who will realize the true usefulness of pc gaming, and instead just wanna plug n play.

Im sure i am with people who are really pissed off that all the game developers that are only making these game for consoles. It is as if they are abandoning the PC gaming world.

Long live PC gaming! :D

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I don't think consoles are a particularly big threat to PC gaming- there will always be people who like one, and people who like the other. It is very annoying how some games are console exclusive, though. Merxenaries 2, for example, is a game I really want, but I can't afford to pay £400 for a PS3 to play it. And like chjoco15 said, Halo 3 is also going to be a great game... but I can't afford to pay a few hundred quid for a 360 to play that either. With some Wii games, like Wii sports, it's understandable- they wouldn't work well with a keyboard and mouse (and the Wii's the cheapest console anyway, so I don't mind as much).
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  • 2 weeks later...
I actually won an x-box 360 in a contest and played on it for a little while and enjoyed it. But I also own a decent desk top computer and a pretty good laptop and I play games on both of those.I played Oblivion on the 360 and then on the pc . After playing it on the pc for the heck of it I decided to play a little bit on the 360 and you know what? I couldn't do it.It was just a so much better experience on the pc I couldn't go back to the 360. You know how often I use my computers? Every single day!!! I really can't remember the last time I played on my x-box. They are advertising some interesting games for x-box coming out but all I can think about is Crysis, Call of Duty 4, Timeshift,Jericho etc. There are a lot of good games coming out for pc and yes some of those games will also be on x-box too but trust me they will not be the same kick ass experience they will be on the pc. X-box can not touch an 8800 series card or a 2900 radeon or quad core proc. Not to mention what will come in the next few years for pc while x-box still sits with its same dated technology.
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  • 3 weeks later...

The PC games will only die when the game maker stop making games.


PC games are a bit harder to make. Whe a game maker wants to do a console game, he only has to to worry about 3 hardware configurations. PCs can have hundreds of possibilties and dozen of vid cards.


PC games on the other hand offer more freedom of expression. The Witcher has 2 version, an edited version for the US/Canada market and a full version for the Europe market. The game has built in nudity. Wii would hava fit and, PS3 and XBOX would lose the Wal-mart market share, but pc games are sold in more diverse markets and Wal-mart has less of a comand so Game Makers can go a little father in thier games.

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I lay my eyes upon the title of this thread and the first thing that comes to mind is: Blasphemy!

PC games are here to stay.... Casual gamers generally prefer consoles, but as long as real (hardcore) gamers still exist (and they will!) PC games will never die out.

And for the record: I hate EA!

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