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Can I change my weight?

Kittie Rose

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I did this with my character in Morrowind, if I recall through either the console or one of those character editors. The Breton character model is almost anorexic. I'm a Thief but come on! You can have fuller figured thieves too as long as they're agile and bendy. I also can't find any good hair meshes, I want a kind of short but big and messy style.


Is there any way to change my body type to look less skinny, more curvy?


I wouldn't mind being a Khajitt for a while either. Or a half Khajitt cat girl. That would rock!


Never mind, I found in the TES kit, forgot how useless it was except for minor width adjustments.


How do I change my hair without messing up my skills through the race menu? I want to download a better mesh. Is there a character editor like for morrowind?


EDIT: Merged your posts. Please use the edit button to add more to your post rather than double posting, thanks.


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I'm having a problem changing my race. I want to change to a Khajit, I was hoping the game would compensate for me and give me all the right abilities and stat adjustments. Is there something that can do this for me or do I have to do it myself? Or if I not is there at least a way to retain my Breton special abilities? As it is, I'm loosing out. But I really want to be a Khajitt now.
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