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Fallout: Mad Max Edition (Mega Mod Request)


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Inspired by this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37708/?


Synopsis: Quest Mod that gives the player & random encounters a functional vehicle by hijacking the power armor code.


As this is a request, I am not trying to tell anyone how to do this. If you do it, it's your mod. You're the author and can do whatever you please. Below is only my request/suggestion on how one might go about this (and I am by no means an expert)...


The Vehicles: The PC should have the option to build/restore one of four models: - a motorcycle, a corvega, a truck, or... a vertibird.


Each of these should have a built-in container (dependent on size of vehicle) and cost fuel (Fusion Cores) to use. It should have a frame and different parts that can be destroyed (and repaired at a garage station). There should only be one of each model/frame available in-game for the player to use, each with an associated quest line.


Fast Travel should not be available without a vehicle (on the flip-side, resource management should be much, much easier with a container you can take with you once you have one).


You cannot drive while wearing power armor (though an option to throw a suit in the trunk would be hella nice - all I can think to do would be to store parts in the trunk and spawn/unspawn the frame as if it were a vendor; this should not be a motorcycle option, though).


Random Encounters: Much like Raiders in power armor, it should also be possible to run into raiders who have some kind of vehicle (why is the PC the only one who would think of restoring an old bike so he doesn't have to huff it everywhere?). Like the raiders in power armor, if you kill one in a vehicle you cannot take the frame of that vehicle, but you may be able to harvest damaged parts (Obviously there should be some way to keep the PC from trying to swap power armor parts for car parts and vice versa).


Damage from being hit by a car should be similar to melee, with the "Strength" variable determined by vehicle size/model, and encounters should have script added to have them attempt to run enemies down, and have them stick to roads (mostly).


This is all I can think of at the moment. Thoughts?


EDIT: Formatting.

Edited by Flowerguy360
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Yeah, figured the CK would be a requirement when I posted. :/


Wanted to add that it would also be neat to be able to mod your vehicle components, too - like having a minigun on the hood or a missile launcher, or to burn a Core for a speed boost. A tesla field or a stealth option.


I really feel like this idea has a lot of potential. :)

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As cool as it would be, the map simply isn't large enough to properlly support vehicles.


Let me put it this way. It'll take about 10-15 minutes to WALK across the entire FO4 map.


It takes about the same to DRIVE across the map from side to side in the recent Mad Max game, which IMHO is the gold standard of post-apocalytric open world vehicular combat games.


To put it into perspective, Fallout 4's map is 43mi2.


Mad Max's map is the same size as Just Cause 2s, which is 400mi2.


I think vehicles would be awesome too, but to be honest you really couldn't do much with them unless you opened up the borders of the map to include the rest of Massachusetts... Which to be honest would be kinda awesome.


Though this still isn't taking into account that fallouts clutter is organized in a way to make it interesting for people on foot. It would be an obsticle course for people in vehicles.

Edited by PsyckoSama
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