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ForEach rItem <- rContainer. How to save current rItem during one of the steps?


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How about setting it to the base object... would that make a difference? If the iteration process iterates references and not base objects? How did you do it? What is it that you are trying to accomplish if I may ask? Just curious.

let rStored := rItem.GetBaseObject

If you just need the base objects, you could use the GetItems command. Which should return an array, I think? Been a few months since I did any scripting for Oblivion, so I am not sure myself, either. Small brain I have, can only hold so much. :tongue:

Edited by PhilippePetain
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I am currently remembering the base object. But the thing is that my objects are soulgems, and each reference has it's own unique soul level and ref var of contained victim (in it's script). In the first cycle I determine the most suitable gem. When I need to remove it's ref, I have to perform another search. Nothing crucial, but the code is looking bad and the script is running slow. Comparatively.

Edited by ProgMath2
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