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No weapons on back, easy fix?


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So everyone is (rightly) mad that there are no holstered weapons or weapons on your back when you're not using them, but some people have made the point that there could/would be clipping issues if this feature was implemented, because of the new weapon modding system and all the different variations, and we all know clipping sucks. So, i figured an easy solution. just use the new lowered weapon idle animations?


currently, your weapon doesn't show up at all until you "ready" it, by pressing R or right click or whatever. then, if you don't shoot or aim for a few moments, your char lowers the weapon to an idle position, rather than aiming.


what i am suggesting is this: if you don't have a weapon equipped then there's nothing in your hands, you use the normal walk/run/idle animations. when you have a weapon equipped it shows up in your hands in the "lowered" position constantly, whether you have it "readied" or not. once you "ready" your weapon, your char brings it up to an aiming position. basically, it would look something like this:




not only does it (kind of) solve the problem of no visibly holstered weapons, also it'd give you manual control over whether your weapon is lowered or aimed rather than having to wait a few seconds for your char to lower your gun automatically, which would be useful for RP purposes.


i've done some basic modding in the past, but only with the creation kit and never anything to do with changing animations so i really have no idea how to do this or whether it's possible before the creation kit comes out, but i figured i'd post here to see what you guys think and whether any of you can help.

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haha, well it kind of speaks for itself. I dont use that weapon mod because I dont like the quick back and forth animation between ready/unready, plus if I'm walkin through a house full raiders, I want my gun up at all times with out having to hit a button to do it.


That being said, a simpler fix without having to use that mod would be to change the weird issue in 3rd person where when you have a weapon up in first person (normally, not aiming) then switch to 3rd there's nothing in the players hand until you right click, but then after a couple seconds the animation goes to a rested carry posture like in your image.


If someone could simply fix it so that any weapon you have equipped in first person is immediately in the rested pose in 3rd, instead of not being there at all, I think that'd just about do it.


But I still want a freakin rifle across my back and a pistol at my hip.

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I want the same mod as Will Force suggested. ^o^/


In Skyrim, we sheath 2-handed weapon on the back and 1-handed on the waist. Why not in Fallout?

If there are some technical issues to show the 2H weapon on the back, the mod cannot come true. But if it is just a issue of clipping, I would like someone to make the mod.

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Yeah, it felt so cool to have your fetish gun ranged in the holster or a rifle on your back, It was an awesom feature in FO3 and NV, why the hell did they took it away? I mean before it was :"Ok, I can put my gun away because I will safe in this location , like in a bar and you like: (yo check out mah gun)", and now it's like: "Oh look, I'm a magician!!!"

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  • 1 month later...

In skyrim you would drop bdisablegearedup=0 in your skyrim.ini and then when you faved a weapon, it would show on avatar. In this games ini, this exists. However, it doesn't do anything when you set it to 0. Also, it appears as there are no nodes for weapon holsters on the skeleton. So that means that without a skeleton replacement, there will be no holsters. Need the kit...



So. Here we are. Need the kit to do this at this point. ;/

Edited by plaxeko
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