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Path Grid Generation crashes CS


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I'm aware of this bug for a while already, but even though I don't really need the path grid generation much (just every now and then for a small cell) I rather have it working. What I think is strange is that nobody else seems to have this issue.


I'm using the original CS (1.0, there is no 1.1). If I go to path grid generation and choose 'generate active cell' I get this message: 'Assert at C:\Projects\tes4\Tes Shared\TesDataHandler.cpp, 3096'. Trying ignore or retry gives the same message. Abort instantly closes the CS. I don't know why it's talking about C:\Projects since I installed Oblivion in a different directory: D:\games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion. And even there the folders mentioned in the error don't exist.


Also, it works fine in exteriors. It only gives the error when trying to generate pathgrids in interiors. Both custom made and original ones, with or without path grids already.

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The automatic pathgrid generation is never good enough for me, too often I still have NPCs getting stuck on terrain, or moving between the same 3 spots. It also doesn't work too well when you have more complicated structures like bridges. I've found it just easier to just manually make them for interiors or exterior areas where there is any complication. The automatic method is really only of use when you're doing pathgrids for several open cells and don't want/need to take the 15 mins to place a few dozen points, then link them together. I would imagine that the reason why it crashes on interior cells would be because there isn't any ground within the cell (as the automatic method really only takes the ground into considderation most the time). The advantage of doing this manually though is that you can adjust around areas you want NPCs to avoid, provide more direct routes within open spaces, and navigate around furniture and such that you'd have to do regardless. It takes a little more time, but the results are usually worth it.
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