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Combat Armor Minus Utility Belt


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So, I am using the mod that allows you to wear layered armor with all clothing, and I'm noticing one of the biggest culprits of (bad) clipping are the bags that are on belts of the chest armors (Leather and Combat Armor)


I noticed that the Combat Armor belt is its own chunk, and was wondering if it would be possible to just delete the bags and belt around the waist. Assuming I have it right, there shouldn't need to be any texture alterations, and even all the combat armor texture mods would work with it. (Which would be great, as it lines up perfectly with my current favorite armor, the Minutemen General Coat, which has combat armor under the coat, but actual combat armor appearance overrides it flawlessly.)


Thank you..


PS: Noticing some screenshots have a codpiece for people wearing combat armor. This does not appear on my character, so i assume it is related to maybe an upgraded version of the combat armor. If this could be deleted as well, it would be great, as the without the belt, I feel it would unbalance things.)

PS2: My character is female, so really, thats the only gender I would need, if that matters.

Edited by LancerChronics
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