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So, here's another newbie...


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Hello, I just registered my account minutes ago, and thought I'd post here before starting my searches.


I'm here because I recently bought FallOut 3 through Steam, and had issues getting the game to play on my system, and in the course of getting it to function I was introduced to the world of "modding"...until last month I'd never heard of this stuff.


My primary reason for being here is to educate myself...I'm nearly 60 years of age, and not very computer savvy. I've always been told to beware anything one downloads from the internet...never know what sort of virus, etc. you're going to end up with, etc. I understand little of how my computer functions...but I am going to learn, and to that end I am now here...I have been advised to install various "mods" to make my game work...but other than blindly following the suggestions of others I have no clue what these mods do to my computer and/or game. So my thought is what better way to learn than to teach myself how to do "mods".


So you will see me asking a lot of questions...but for the foreseeable future I will mostly be searching through this site for guides and tutorials for a beginner modder; and while this may not be the place to post such a question I'll ask anyway and hope to be forgiven because I am brand new here, lol:


Can anyone suggestion guides, tutorials, etc. for me to begin with?


Thank you for your time and assistance.




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Welcome to modding. You will have a fine time.


Firstly, please read Forum Rules here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/188-forum-rules-and-warnings/ it's useful to know them. Just in case.


Installing and making mods work is tricky. This site has a program that will make whole process much easier and simpler. The Nexus Mod Manager. I recommend you this list of Fallout 3 tutorials. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL77ECC4B6194E1685 . And if you want to know more about Nexus Mod Manager this one https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7DlYarj-DdGbu7-Chui4ZQuZZCGbpWl It will explain basics of installing and activating mods, as well as order in which they are supposed to be loaded to not cause troubles and many others. Its a good first step.

You could start with the Top Files (up on page, button Files and in the list Top Files) on Nexus and see if something sparks you interest, or look for some "must have mods" lists on the internet a look what those mods do.
You do not need to fear viruses, every mod on Nexus has come through antivirus program when was uploaded to the site.
If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.
Edited by GarrusTheLoneWolf
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