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Mod Request: Disable Experience / Introduce Level Cap


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Hello there,

I've seen one or two mods on The Nexus that alter the amount of experience points earned from different sources (combat, crafting, exploration et cetera).
I'd much rather see a mod that disables experience gain altogether, though. This would be very useful for people who would like to introduce an artificial level cap, or simply stop leveling up after every perk in the game has been aquired. Maybe someone could even mod an adjustable level/experience cap, so the mod could be active all the time, rather than just activating the mod on the disired level? No clue what's possible with Fo4Edit, since the official tool is still on the horizon.


Just a little idea from someone who could really use this. I'd love to be able to cap my character to level 50 or so, so every perk point counts, and I can spend as much quality time planning my character as I did with pre-DLC Skyrim, for example.


Thanks everybody, have a good one!

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