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Whats with the tsunami Black ''X'' mods


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Ah it's always a joy to see people complaining about what other people like in their games. Remember: don't like it? Don't use it, don't knock it, just move on.


While I agree with the sentiment of your statement as a whole, the, "don't knock it." part is dangerously close to saying, "Don't criticize." That should always be allowed in a fair and open forum such as this. Just as people have the right to ask for a certain mod, those same people have the right to ask for mods to NOT be made. Nobody has to listen to them, but subtly suggestion someone shouldn't voice an unpopular opinion goes against the spirit of the forums imo.

Edited by scottym23
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There is a big difference between constructive criticism and the "I don't like your mod because I don't like black stuff so your mods sux even though I haven't even downloaded it to see what it really is." Whining and complaining is NOT! criticism. It is just whining and complaining. If you don't like it because it is not to your taste - that is what is meant by just move along and find a mod that you do like instead of complaining about a mod you aren't going to use anyway.



people have the right to ask for mods to NOT be made

Absolutely WRONG! Demanding that a mod maker not make a mod because you don't want it is selfish and egotistical. It is saying because I don't want that mod nobody should be allowed to have it even if they do want it. You are not the center of my world. Get over yourself and grow up.


Maybe that mod you don't like just because it's black is something that some one else does like and it's your taste in mods that sux.

Mod makers make mods that they like. If you don't like the mod It's not the problem of the maker and they really don't need to put up with your whining.

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Nobody really has the right to tell someone what they can and cannot make, and how do you know all those black items are not made and used by players who enjoy playing with stealth and want to look stealthy? Should they dress in bright colors and pretend it's AssCreed? No they should have the right to make and use black armor, clothing, and weapons if that's what they want.


If you want bright colors I have a tip for you, get Photoshop or The Gimp, read a bunch of tutorials and make them yourself instead of complaining about what someone else made and likes.

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Many mod makers (myself included) start off making mods for ourselves and just post the mods to the nexus in case others who don't know how to make mods, or just don't have the time to learn, want to have these mods.

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I have nothing against people making mods they want to make but its worrysome that first thing people want to paint everything black like an angsty gothic teenager. This also oversaturates the market. It could be shiny and chrome for all I care but the saturation isnt good for anyone. Just merge them all together into a big black mod that makes everything black.


Ah it's always a joy to see people complaining about what other people like in their games. Remember: don't like it? Don't use it, don't knock it, just move on.

So basically if what one has to say is mean in any way one has to censor oneself. Thats not how a free and open soceity works. I can turn around and say dont like my topic then take a hike and take your comments with you. That whole line of thinking is wrong and shallow

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I have nothing against people making mods they want to make but its worrysome that first thing people want to paint everything black like an angsty gothic teenager. This also oversaturates the market. It could be shiny and chrome for all I care but the saturation isnt good for anyone. Just merge them all together into a big black mod that makes everything black.


Ah it's always a joy to see people complaining about what other people like in their games. Remember: don't like it? Don't use it, don't knock it, just move on.

So basically if what one has to say is mean in any way one has to censor oneself. Thats not how a free and open soceity works. I can turn around and say dont like my topic then take a hike and take your comments with you. That whole line of thinking is wrong and shallow


The point being made here is this: What point is this thread serving? You aren't offering any critique beyond that of you not liking the black armor retextures. Nothing is being suggested as an alternative, no reasoning is being given to the extent of solving any problem. You're free to your opinion, but you're answering a problem that no one asked you to solve in a frankly prickish manner.

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