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Invisible wall around GNR building preventing me from killing behemoth


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It is the internet, and you have every right to be cautious.


It's NP with me. I know Just how things are.


But, on topic..that file is only made as far as I can tell for one DLC addition. "BrokenSteel".


people come to the nexus because it is the largest gaming "modding" web site on this earth.


Because of that reason, it's a hot bed for all sorts of things available including information...such as it is.


JIWR is not complete...meaning...only the one DLC is covered.


All I have here are Notes left to me about the mods data...on an Extended book / hard drive.red


later, there was an update, then that was integrated into another mod, as time went on, these "people" gather and compiled up this tech into a single package...things went really good for some time.


So, the JIWR here was no longer needed, I was told to remove it so Duplicated data //// the chance of that taking place was eliminated.


other factors took place out of my control so things went pretty bad as game mods go in popularity.


people change, data changes, things change to a point of lost interest. Just as a new game comes along, that new shinny thing put older things away, less interest..and so on, you get the meaning.


There were others attempts using different methods. Some no so great. Some placebo effects...But that code..has not been duplicated.


who would sit there for days going over every stitch of code in the GECK to produce just 1 single facet of a fix?


no body would. So, each persons view does matter, because that matters, too many opinions from what I can tell, made the effort feel worthless to that author.

I don't know for sure any of this assumptions to be close or not, i just know what I read and was told.


I too had drawn my own conclusions from those people I read about. But when I study these things in depth out of pure boredom ?


I can see how it works. it's hard to pin point the things some people do.


As I was told, there is always a reason things are done...whether or not we believe it or can understand it....this bug comes from the games engine as quest stages develop, complete and get canceled out. you have to be a mod author to understand this, not just simple mods...but very complex mods. That was hard, this one here...for even me to understand. It took me a year, playing around with the code to fully grasp what the end results was /would be...then I could see it.


this taught me the importance of the games assemblies, how it works....before I ever thought of making things for my self.


I made few and had them up here...again, even I found popularity was boring, felt that the data I made and shared was not really needed. But My mods were just quick fixes for others mods..overrides for popular mods.


not always working as intended due to other mods killing of the code or people using tools the wrong way breaking what I made.


so I removed my stuff..felt "what's the use".


Talked to many and finally decided not to bother making things if there's any chance it's gonna get broke by use of the tools in the wrong way...this is totally out of my control...then I understood...so, I'm her to help sort out things, we are only able to do just so much.


it's all we can really do........TRY.......


Fallout 3 Remastered was a good mod in it's day, still is...but it had steep competition, I was handed the keys to drive it until it ran out of gas...then I was told to remove it all.


And I understood why. All i can share is the knowledge gained by doing. Know what not to get involved with ,what to avoid.


you keep your cautionary way's, stay safe...it's good practice.


Kitty Black.

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