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Synth Relay Grenades Deploy Gen 3s!


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If you've chosen the Institute as your sided faction, you are able to obtain Synth Relay Grenades, in which when thrown and detonated they deploy a Gen 1 Synth. These are somewhat helpful, although awful looking and fairly scary... I'd rather have a Gen 3 pop up and help me out, as a result, they speak normally and appearance wise are much better.


A mod that could change the Synth type, or a mod that would add another Synth Relay Grenade for the Gen 3 Synths (obviously, they would cost more bottlecaps). I'm sure it isn't hard. But I'm no modder, I've done my fair share of altering files, although this is a different level for me.


I will be happy to help in any way I can, if necessary. I imagine the aforementioned has probably been posted in the forums already, if not I hope this reaches out to people who are capable!

Edited by Xulure
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