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[FO4] New Workshop Items CTD Issues


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no dice, I think what I would do is separate them into single files that the user can pick an you could display a pic of each one, an the name, an players could just use NMM to remove an install them as they want to defect LOL. That or you'll need to start over an just use the vanilla flag U.S.A. but copy it as new entry 5-6 time or however many, but change the ingame name for each 1 2 3 4 5 ect, as a test file, so it's just identical to the vanilla assets, the con object as a new entry 6 times an the static for the USA flag 6 times, they can all point to the same mesh though. I mean I'd try it but I was in the middle of something. I did try everything I could think of, an it's probably something small an simple we just don't see. You did a great job on it though, that's awesome for a mod. "I wish to defect!" :D

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yeah one mod added items, that is a constructable item via a form list. So for you that would be making a new form list, an typing in the form id for each flag you made, then go to the vanilla USA flag, an type in the form ID for the form list you just made, prolly wana put U.S.A flag in the formlist though, that's from homemaker an SSEX mods LOL

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nope, still crashes using a FormID list, LOL actually I mistyped something an it pulled up something with a possible hardcoding warning, that means it's build into the .exe somewhere, never seen that before, you could look on you tube for how to make construction items maybe or start over, sorry I didn't find anything, but I got to see more of it at least, you could PM the makers of construction items, or search the net for people that already figured this out, I thought I had but guess there is something missing or a workaround is needed.

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Alright, thanks for giving it a go! Learned a bit from that, and hopefully that means I am closer at least. :thumbsup:


I'll look around, or ask the Homemaker guy if I can't find anything. Thanks again.

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Hm... Try this: Load up the esp I sent, and open build mode. Now, it may take some time for all the icons to appear, so just wait till they are all visible, then go into Decorations, wait for all icons to be visible, then into wall deco, again, wait, then into flags. Now, it doesn't crash.


However, if you do the same, but you don't wait for all the icons to load, it will crash.

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