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Facelifting Followers


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From what I have seen so far, modders have either changed skins on their followers entirely, or removed for example dirty faces, or edited their face in Gimp/Photoshop/etc.


But are their faces "hardcoded"? I mean, I can understand that non-humans are, but what about the human followers? Do their faces have to be replaced entirely because it is a unique setup (hardcoded), or is it possible -- via console? -- to take them over ingame and give them a facelift?


I am asking because I really like MacCready, but gosh, I can't stand his face.

Okay, I just can't stand his sorry excuse for a beard, but well, I thought I'd keep my dislike general for this topic :D

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There are texture and mesh files for all NPC faces/heads. "\Textures\Actors\Character\FaceCustomization\Fallout4.esm\" is the texture folder and "meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\fallout4.esm\" is the mesh folder. Textures for each NPC will be named the same as their EDID. If you want to modify Curie you would look for files named 001647c6. Changing the textures will have an immediate effect in the game, meshes may be an issue.

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Its WAY easier if you get them to sit in the surgical chair in Diamond City, toggle their ai off so they dont move (click on them and type tcai), position yourself in-front of their face using freecam, then showlooksmenu (followerid) 1. Much easier for the bigger projects.

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