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Random Giant creatures battles around the map!


It would be bloody freaking awesome to randomly meet giant super strong monsters around the map fighting each other and not giving a single fu-ck about you. They just wanna rip each others face, shell, horn, arms legs and non-identified members to pieces and feel glorious about their new territory.

Even if you meet one of them alone, they don't become aggressive towards you unless you attack them. Filled with LOTS of loot, enough to over-encumber you just by meat alone, besides the actual loot of victims who tried their luck before becoming monsta lunch and of pieces of houses they nimbled earlier just for the fun of it. But they have a ridiculous amount of resistance, health and enough damage to kick you out of the stratosphere.


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This actually got me thinking... Why not a GIANT FOCKING POWER ARMOR as well!?!?



We need some Mechas around here! Like, super rare frame and REALLY rare pieces that you gotta craft at a special workbench. It need either several fusion cores or a special fusion reactor to keep it powered!

Who knows, maybe even a whole quest just to be allowed to build this baby and you can only do it after lvl 50. (Else, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THIS KIND OF POWER!)

Special weapons just for it or the weapons it uses are already built in!

I mean, it will most probably need the GECK to be able to create this, but, IT SEEMS SO DELICIOUSLY AWESOME! Doesn't it? Come on. Tell me you don't want to see giant monster fighting and killing each other or to fight them yourself on your very own GIANT FOCKING MECHA POWER ARMOR!


The power armor will definetly need P.A.M.S. for a more fitting sound effect, and of course, everything, from the player's power armor to the mosters has to move a bit slower than normal sized things to make it seem... i don't know... BIGGER!



Look at this s***! Just LOOK AT IT! *-*

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I'm rewatching the 1st video while listening to that music you posted right now, PsychoSama XD enjoying the awesomeness to the limit AUHSHAUHAHAUSA <<- (Brazilian Laughter xD I'm laughing so hard it's coming out online in my native language)


\,,\, ÒoÓ ,/,,/

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  • 10 months later...

Going over some old postings of mine to check the ones I believe to be most awesome and ask the community if it is possible or if it already exists. Does anyone know?
The ones I'm commenting on are the ones I actually wanted the most when I was playing. I really wish to see at least one of these to have become a reality, and if even one does, I will make a clean install of the game just to check it out.

I also want to add a new video I just found on the same theme over YouTube, with a cool base with a giant mecha suit.

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