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request: Armor/weapon sorting


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Hi !


first of: I'll say "addon" instead of mod, so there is no confusion between a mod (on nexus) and a weapon/armor mod (on fallout)


So I know it's hard to find a way to arrange weapon/armor inventory with an addon, mostly because of the mod system...

for what I've understand, it's the change of the objet name, depending of the mod installed on it (so names are "dynamic"), that prevent such an addon


So I'm wandering if there is a way to make an addon arranging weapon by ammo type , dispite that system.

like placing [ammo type] in front of a weapon name, no matter the mod installed in it

ex: [10mm] "modname" "modname" "modname" pistol


for the armor , arranged like: [raider], [leather], [metal] , [combat] etc...


there HAS to be a way to do that ><"


thx in advance!

Edited by Taitsuo
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Everyone wants better sorting. I don't think it's gonna happen until the 'official' mod tools get released.


And I think it should sort on base weapon type rather than ammo type, since ammo type can change. It should have been made to sort that way in the first place, first by type then by name.

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