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Mod Request: The Dark Brotherhood Forever


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I searched the forum and the mod list, nothing found.


Hello! This is my first request, so be nice. :blush:


The Dark Brotherhood Forever quest is endless. Ok, its a nice cycle to talk approach the coffin, talk to contract giver, proceed to kill target, repeat, profit and stuff.


But is starts to get boring when:


1) The contract givers are always in the same places

This one isn't really annoying, because I'll want to talk to him as fast as possible.

A Blasphemous Priest in Whiterun
A Wary Outlaw in Riften
A Scheming Servant in Markarth
A Dishonored Skald in Solitude
An Indolent Farmer in Ivarstead
A Grief Stricken Chef in Dawnstar
An Unemployed Laborer in Rorikstead
A Wandering Bard in Raven RockDB
A Big Laborer at Katla's Farm
A Corrupt Agent in Dragon Bridge
A Desperate Gambler in Windhelm
A Nervous Patron in Windhelm


2)The targets are always in the same places :wallbash:

This is where the quest gets boring. The (randomly generated) NPCs that can be assigned as target will be ALWAYS at the same place.


A Poor Fishwife on the Riften Fishery
The Visiting Noble in Dragonsreach
A Big Laborer in Katla's Farm
An Itinerant Lumberjack in Morthal
A Reckless Mage in Winterhold
A Seasoned Hunter outside Falkreath
A Grim Shieldmaiden in Markarth
A Travelling Dignitary in Solitude
A Coldhearted Gravedigger in Windhelm
A Beautiful Barbarian in Ivarstead



It would be interesting to hunt and stalk the target while he/she is walking through the city, or moving around Skyrim (Just like a Khajiit caravan).



This is my request.


Thank you for reading! :laugh:

Edited by Leaster
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Interesting, I did not know about that.


So, you are saying only the contractor-target assigning is random as in the Desperate Gambler in Windhelm might send you to kill the Beautiful Barbarian in Ivarstead one time and the Reckless Mage in Winterhold another time?


And you would want to e.g. have the reckless mage spawn in whiterun/riften/etc. as well?


A full randomization could easily become a very labourious and tedious task for, imo, little gain.




It would be easier to rename all of them to contractor/target and have them spawn with different races/genders/etc + different clothes. Though then you could get stupid combinations such as a mage like character at a farm.

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Interesting, I did not know about that.


So, you are saying only the contractor-target assigning is random as in the Desperate Gambler in Windhelm might send you to kill the Beautiful Barbarian in Ivarstead one time and the Reckless Mage in Winterhold another time?






And you would want to e.g. have the reckless mage spawn in whiterun/riften/etc. as well?


Yes, but not only inside cities. Maybe Walking in the wilds, traveling like a khajiit caravan, etc. A really random location.


A gender/race/name/chothes randomization would be nice, but not necessary.


Random location is most important. It prevents the quest from being boring.

Edited by Leaster
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