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Bravil Mage Quest


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Ok. My pc talks to the Argonian in the guild and she talks about the recommendation quest but the game doesn't recognize it. That is if I check the new quest list it's not there.

Talking to the perp, with his disposition as high as required makes him talk, but still the game doesn't recognize the quest nor it's update.

I have the Prima Strategy Guide. So following the guide I go to where the item is and take it, but the dragon lady doesn't update her conversation and the recomm. quest is not there.

Can anyone help?

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I have never had a problem here. It sounds like a possible mod conflict. If you list the mods you have operating others on the forum may be able to spot where the problem lies.


Did Kud-Ei give you the three charm scrolls when you talked about the quest? IIRC her giving you the scrolls is what advances the quest. If you didn't get them look at any mod that changes (or might change) in game magic scrolls.


If necessary, and you are on PC, you can advance the quest via the console.

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