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Instant use/equip world items


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Sup guys!


It's my first thread ever, but let's cut to the chase.


I wonder if someone can make a mod that allows player to instantly use/equip items from the worldspace. Like when you see that seared slaughterfish on a plate and suddenly got the urge to instantly eat it. Or when you're using Equipping Overhaul mod and dropped your sword while switching to your bow, but suddenly a draugr deathlord coming right after you and you're like "Oh no! Where's my sword? Oh there it is." but you still have to open up inventory screen.


So here's my idea:

Combo keypressing Shift+E will allow player to instant use potion, eat/drink food and equip armor/weapon bypassing the inventory menu.


I dunno if this has been done before. If it is, please let me know.

Thanks! :D

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hmm, true. i just thought that combo-keys can be more efficient. my keyboard is already full of hotkeys. if it's impossible, single keypress is fine too.


tbh i wasn't sure about posting this thread at first. but i did my research and couldn't find anything.

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Here you go..

Pick Up Equip:
Assign a key to hold while picking up an item.
While the key is held and you pick up an item it will be equipped.
Supports Armor, Weapons, Potions (which includes food and poisons), Ingredients and Scrolls.
Keep in mind that it works by base form, so it doesn't distinguish between enchanted / tempered and non enchanted / tempered items that use the same base form.

SkyUI (So you can assign a modifier key)

Extract to your \Data\ directory and enable PickUpEquip.esp in your load order with whatever.

Archive Contains:


Does not edit any vanilla game files, quests, scripts.


The way it was accomplished:

Created a SM Event Node quest under PlayerAddItem node.

Put an EventData condition AcuireType == 4 (Pick Up) on the quest node.
The quest has a simple script with one event OnStoryAddToPlayer().
In the event check if the the modifier key is pressed and see if the added item is Armor or Weapon or Potion or Ingredient or Scroll.
If so then equip the item.
Stop() the quest.

Apart from that I added a MCM menu/script so you can assign a modifier key.
So basically it it's not heavey on the scripting engine at all.

The MCM and PickUpEquip source scripts are included in the bsa.

Edited by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE
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Amazing! it works like a charm!


But for not too long though... It stopped working after some time...


By "base form" did you mean "baseID"?

Could it be that somehow the forms are changed because of some other mods?

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For example, if you had an iron dagger in your inventory and there was an iron dagger on the ground that has enchantments or has been tempered.
Picking up the dagger and your not guaranteed that the picked up dagger is the one that will be equipped.
Since the iron dagger in your inventory and the one on the ground would share the same baseid/form.

As for it stopping, can't tell you why.
The only reason I could see that happening is you Story manager is banked up and the PlayerAddItem SM Node isn't firing as quick as you pick up an item.

Edited by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE
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hmm, the story manager is the one that manages quests, right? i searched around the net and found out that messing with the timescale can break quests. i'll see if resetting the timescale to default can fix this problems.


Oh and thanks by the way. You're awesome!

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I can probably do a version that doesn't use SM (Story manager), just I'd need to add more checks in the script instead.
eg: That your not in a menu when holding the modifier key when an item is added to your inventory.

The best part of the SM method was it tells you if the Added Item was picked up, stolen, from a container, from a body etc.
So you don't need to check via script.

Basically the only way I can see me doing without SM is checking the player is not in a menu.
eg: basically if your in a container or npc inventory then you'd be in a menu.
Picking up items from the world would mean your not in a menu :)

I'll post an update shortly, see if that makes it any better.

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Here you go..


No Story manager version (so it should keep working no matter what Story manager does)



If you were using the prior version..


Remove the old from your load order.


Load your game and do a save.


Then install the new version and load your recent save.

(otherwise things may not work right).



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