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Disallowing altering of LGBTQ characters


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I decided a long time ago to make this post in response to a mod that lets a female character have the option to romance the male companion Dorian Pavus, as well as the response this mod got and how it was dealt with by moderators. I'll try my best to let my frustration and anger that nexus allows these kinds of mods to still be on their websites. Rather I want to help best I can to give information so that we can all have a better understanding of this issue and that future situations can be better dealt with by website staff. This post is NOT trying to attack anyone for their actions neither mod authors or moderators handling the backlash these mods have had. All I want to do is make nexus a better place to myself and many others.


Although I understand that for someone who isn't gay or face any kind of oppression or discrimination in their everyday life to understand or empathize with me please be patient. Social structures and oppressive systems are by their abstract nature difficult to get into. I'll try my best still and I'm not an expert but still please listen this means a lot to me. This game means a LOT to me. These characters means a LOT to me. Though these matters may seem trivial to you I assure they're not.


On to the matter at hand: mods allowing romancing of canonically and mechanically gay characters by opposite gendered characters are offensive and discriminatory. We live in a society that thinks lesser of those with attractions of the same sex. A society where many possess prejudice toward gay people. A lot of this prejudice is due to lack of diverse representation gay people in media. This is especially apparent within gaming. So the idea of a fully prominent gay character in a video game is amazing as it helps to fight this prejudice.


A mod that completely changes the players experience to have this character appear straight is offensive. The action in itself may see harmless but due to the oppression gay people meet everyday all around the world it is not. Consequentially these kinds of mods become part of a systematic oppression.


"But OP if these mods are so oppressive why are mod like bi blackwall and bi Cullen not? This is Heterophobia!!!!"

The different thing with these mods is that straight people simply can't be oppressed. There is no history of straights being oppressed and even though I may say "I hate straights grr!!!" You a heterosexual person will never face any prejudice due to your sexuality.


I hope I explained myself properly please ask any questions or tell me to clarify below


inb4 "what kinda sjw bs is this?! :("

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This argument has been done to death, its a game ppl are free to make NPCs gay straight or trans its up to them.


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