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Requesting Asuka Armor..


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I am looking for anyone with this mod.. i do not want to change it then clam as my own. i just want it to finish up my Pure Asuka new vegas build, i have every thing else but this armor set.. I even have the "Addon Armor mod" from a japanese mod site Its some what like the Asuka Set but not really.. (where i found Asuka/Angelica Race) (OMG wish i didn't) I will Link every resource i used to get at lest this far in finding it..



Japanese Mod Site.. Tons of pictures but vary few mods.. No Asuka Armor Mod it self, just more links to Pictures of it.. (..sigh..)





Yet another Japanese mod site.. No Asuka Armor, Just the Addon Armor Mod.. (almost.. but not really.. &%@#... ..sigh)




What Looks like they used to Start the Mod but changed the texture to Asuka Style.. An oblivion Mod.. But I'm sure was ported over to FO3 then NV... (Damn still no mod..sigh)




Hell Here is the Link the Man him Self but last he posted anything anywhere is back in Fed of 2011.. I don't think he is even working on this mod anymore.. and why the %$ nexus has the mod under lock down i don't know...Cause that's where he tells/post for everyone to get it from.. (my guess is it had the Angelica Race in it somewhere or something from it.. And that mods not cool.. if you ask me, or they just panicked and removed anything to do with Asuka named mods. other then the HUD mods.. GG....




He goes by like 3 names.. StrangerNPC, Kokoroyasasikbouzu, Iroiroarunoda.. and even karimasu i think. But he stopped posting some time back..


Yes i tried to contacted him but that was weeks ago and nothing.. and yes i know hes Japanese.. http://translate.google.com/# ..ftw


SO... if anyone could PLEASE help me out in getting my hand on the Meshes, Texture and esp files, that would be awesome..


Or just a Link to where i can download the Mod my self..

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Pretty sure it got removed/hidden by moderates on here and that's why StrangerNPC hasn't shared it again is because he prolly cant or it will get him in trouble. *Shrugs* Sometimes you just cant have the mod you want, you will see a lot of illegal items in pictures or personal mods never to see the light of day.

Also I dont think English is StrangerNPC native language so he/she may never get back to your PM, my only suggestion is to try your hand at making a legal version yourself.

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Would like to try and make it my self. but never even tried to make one yet or any more for that matter, and i have no idea on how to port over a Odilv Armor mod to FNV, i did some some more looking around and found he has uploaded a new mod the other day. New to us.. old to other sites. (seen it on a Japaneses mod site the other day) April 8th, "Engineers Suit" so hes still working on mods (Woot), And yeah i learned sometime back there Japanese, I can work around the language gap, well here's hoping he gets my pm or sees this post.


P.S. Link to his new mod.. ( At least i know hes still out there)







Well with a lot of Digging and google translate, i found the Asuka Armor Files, (and with a bit of work on finding the right group of updates, (guessing mostly) i got a working Asuka Armor set.. not the one with all the extra stuff... but i None red "!" throwing set of armor.. and man i have to say.. i LOVE it..

Edited by Erikkizer
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello I am also searching for reasons why Asuka Armor is censored in Nexus.


I personally have all the files, Asuka Alpha (NV version), Asuka Beta(Original with real texture), Asuka MK II (Version with a more animate-looking texture) and even the weapon set (some without textures).


I converted one of the armor into Oblivion lately, and want to figure out reasons that the the file is closed in NVNexus.

(If you care to look into my TES profile and see the image...)

Because then I would know if I should actually release the Oblivion version of it-- I don't want to get into trouble.


As far as I know, creator of Asuka Armor is Japanese, and Karimasu is not a user name, it just means "borrow, rent or use"... nobody has a username in anonymous image board... just saying.

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While the staff did feel it was too skimpy to be on a child, it was the accompanying artwork that really tipped the balance, featuring a little girl, a much older man, and extremely adult themes. While we were working with the author, the armor was re-uploaded which complicated the issue further. larrytmc, if your mod is converted to an adult model and has proper permissions etc, then I'm sure it will be fine.
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  • 4 weeks later...

While the staff did feel it was too skimpy to be on a child, it was the accompanying artwork that really tipped the balance, featuring a little girl, a much older man, and extremely adult themes. While we were working with the author, the armor was re-uploaded which complicated the issue further. larrytmc, if your mod is converted to an adult model and has proper permissions etc, then I'm sure it will be fine.


How does it being uploaded again have anything to do with the original author or the content of the mod? It was obviously done without permission since you were apparently negotiating.

The image I think you are trying to describe, featuring who you see as a "little girl" and "much older man" was a joke comic he posted, the "much older man" wasn't in any way making a pass at her or whatever you think "extremely adult themes" are.

Even then, anyone who has seen an anime or two in their lives, or anyone who can understand basic cultural differences in art style can tell that she was not a "litte girl" to begin with.

Also the thing you said about the "adult model" seems pretty silly, as the reason the girl appeared younger than the much older women normally seen in fallout was because of the race he was playing as when he took the images.

When used on an adult character, there is not even the possibility to see the character as a child.


Japanese Mod Site.. Tons of pictures but vary few mods.. No Asuka Armor Mod it self, just more links to Pictures of it.. (..sigh..)


Mod 16 is the Asuka Armor

Mod 475 is the US version (alternate shoulders/breastplate)

Edited by Furude
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You have to understand, in these times, that even if it was (and I cannot tell, never seen the pictures) innocent as you claim it, there had to be something "odd" about the whole thing.

Pedophilia (whether intended or not) is a massive nono.


If even only 3 persons figured it was sexual in topic, whther or not intended or not, then you have enough reason to dismiss the item upped.


For what I gather, and I am sorry for those looking for the armor, I am 200% behind the action of dismissal.

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It was reuploaded by the author, which can only mean he was attempting to either circumvent the issue or, maybe move it along. In most cases he would have been banned for doing that, but we gave the benefit of the doubt because there is some language barrier.


I don't care if it was meant to be a joke, an image depicting a little girl describing herself as rape bait in the context of a sexual situation between her and an adult male, will never fly here.

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