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Requesting Asuka Armor..


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"Word" is the shortened form of the phrase: "my word is my bond" which was originated by inmates in U.S. prisons. The longer phrase was shortened to "word is bond" before becoming "word," which is most commonly used. It basically means "truth." Or "to speak the truth", or "well said".

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It was reuploaded by the author, which can only mean he was attempting to either circumvent the issue or, maybe move it along. In most cases he would have been banned for doing that, but we gave the benefit of the doubt because there is some language barrier.

I don't care if it was meant to be a joke, an image depicting a little girl describing herself as rape bait in the context of a sexual situation between her and an adult male, will never fly here.


He uploaded it himself? I apologize for jumping to conclusions then, I guess it can't be helped in that case...


Though I'm still convinced that the issue with the comic is a misunderstanding.


Japanese art exaggerates character features to show their personality. A basic example is nicer characters usually having larger eyes, appearing younger, while mean characters have smaller eyes. Age can be easy to confuse for someone not used to the Japanese art style. I'll give some examples of this.




How old does she appear? She's actually Meme Touwa, a 40 year old mother! However her personality is not one for her age...



I can't find the comic in English, only the original Japanese one.

Though the conversation they are having is not sexual at all.

The way he's complaining about her armor makes it actually seem like he's her father or guardian.

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Are you trying to get banned??


I have removed the inappropriate image. I told you it was an inappropriate image and we removed it, just about every staff member has looked at it and concluded it was inappropriate.


Furthermore, our decision is not up for public debate, I've entertained this long enough. I believe there is a modified version of the Asuka armor that is allowed here.

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Furude- I am only saying this to try to be helpful. As I see that you are a relatively new member, with a rather low post count.

I can definitely recommend taking a look at this. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules

and this



I know that its a very long read, but as Myr has pointed out, the images you've posted were inappropriate, arguing a staff decision, is also inappropriate, and one of the comments you'd left in a mod comment page was also inappropriate, as that's not the place where a person needs to be having arguements with others.


I can understand your defense of anime, as I've been a fan of it for a very long time. Since before the US even adopted (then abused) the word "anime". And I can clearly state that the Asuka race, regardless of "artistic style" appeared to be children. Through the combination of their facial features, very slight stature, and the fact that the displayed early to mid-teen anatomy.

Regardless of artistic style, they appeared too much like children. And was since removed from the access from this site, because of it.

If the author were to change their body style, so as to Not make them look like children, the mod would be allowed. However, in it's current state, it's not allowed on here.

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The thing I am trying to point out is that the Asuka race is not included with the Asuka armor.

StrangerNPC only happened to use the Asuka race when he took the screenshots of his character with the armor.


Please have a look at this image:


This is what the Asuka armor is when you do not use the Asuka race, which is not offered on the web site.

Not only that, but you could easily combine the Shojo race with a much more revealing or even naked clothing set.



As for the post made in the other thread, I'll admit it was unsupporting and shall avoid such statements in the future.

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