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What do they mean by using assets?


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I'm working on a mod and would like to require the downloader to have another person's mod to improve the eyes. Is this what they mean in the permission section of the files by "using assets" or does that refer to actually downloading someone's texture or something into your file? I only ask because I'm having trouble reaching the author about permission and wondered if it's needed if you aren't actually touching their files.
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If you're essentially recommending that the user download another mod, then no permission is needed. Only when you yourself are using and distributing someone else's materials should you need to contact them for permission (unless they specifically state that it's not required.)


EDIT by LHammonds: Approved answer!

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If you're essentially recommending that the user download another mod, then no permission is needed. Only when you yourself are using and distributing someone else's materials should you need to contact them for permission (unless they specifically state that it's not required.)


Thanks. :)

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