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Is Sten Sexist


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Everytime my character talks to him its like he hates her for been a girl, he moans at her for fighting because she is a girl, he disagrees that my character can't be both female and a fighter.


I'm not hating on the guy, he just hates girls that fights. Tell me is it true he is sexist or not



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Sten was the hardest Companion for me to get a read on. He doesn't hate on female Wardens, it's just that the idea of women as warriors is totally outside his experience or understanding. Keep fighting the good fight and talking to him, and he'll start to express grudging approval, then actual admiration. :thumbsup:
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As a female myself, no I don't think he is sexist, I think he just comes from a different culture and doesn't understand Ferelden women any more than I understood his culture.


I hated him my first play through and the second playthrough I went out of my way not to talk to him unless the game prompted one of those enter camp conversations, during the third play through I actually really liked talking to him and found him quite easy to get along with, the respect he has for you at the end of the game I thought was quite touching, it made me feel as if it really meant something coming from him.

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He's not sexist: he just comes from a culture that does not have women warriors.


As Ell said: if you keep fighting hard, he'll respect you by the end - and yes, it feels special.



If you do Sten's personal quest, that approval rating and admiration from Sten jumps - he'll say that there will come a time when his people will invade Ferelden, and that he will not look to find your hero on the battlefield. If you make the ultimate sacrifice (ie you don't do Morrigan's Dark Ritual and kill the AD yourself), the endgame dialogue talks about Sten returning to his homeland and being asked if he found anyone worthy; Sten's response - "Only one." Brought a tear to my eye reading that. ;)


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Well a female warrior in most case's would be at a disadvantage in sword to sword combat due to strength and size difference with mage's (Magic being a borderline "sin" in there culture.) and rogues being about even with rogues tipped in favor of a smaller frame, however due to there views on magic and honor I'm not sure either would be acceptable in there view's as for culture they seem to use a logic system to choose role's within there culture and logically you would want the largest and strongest warriors while using those smaller in other fields. Edited by zombierelic
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not hating on the guy, he just hates girls that fights. Tell me is it true he is sexist or not


In the context of his own culture, no. In the context of our modern culture, hell yes. But then nearly every NPC in the game is horribly racist and sexist.


What I find most interesting about Sten is that he believes that what he does is intimately tied to who he is, and he has no choice. To him, being a warrior is as much a part of his identity as the color of his hair or eyes. Permanent and unchangeable.


As for buddying up to him: Push back and stand up for yourself. If you say things like "I'm not here to impress you," you actually end up impressing him.

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I have to agree that he's a product of his social climate. By his standards, no he isn't. By ours... yeah.

Tho the Qunari are a very strange people. Wrongheaded about a lot of things.

He makes for a pretty good friend tho after you get on his good side.


Definitly not as yakkity schmakkity as Wynn!!! :yucky:

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Well he's a product of his society - Qunari simply believe that fighting is something that men should do, because males are generally better suited for the job. Qunari society has a strong belief in gender roles, they believe that people of one sex will always be better at specific things than the other. Behind the scenes, Qunari society actually a matriarchy - the Tamassran, and their leader, the Ariqun, are all women. They're the priests, teachers, record keepers, and the people who raise all children and decide everyone's place in life, so that means they're pretty much the top bosses of Qunari society. Edited by Lehcar
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  • 3 weeks later...
No, women have more power in Qunari leadership than men. He isn't sexist, he believes that you are more useful in the job you are placed in (for example if you're good at spying, you are a spy for the rest of your life) It's part of the Qunari society and their desire for certainty.
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because of his complaining and disapproval in everything i do and my gender, i left him in his cage in all play throughs...he is just a waste.


i have no reason to bring someone like him with me.


no wonder he end up in the cage, he is short sighted.

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