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FO4Edit "Unknown" Values (looking for a specific one)

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I fulfill requests for "modded" weapons, either changing the default values or adding standalone versions of weapons that have different stats. I have gotten a few requests now for weapons with higher rate of fire/attack speed. Does anyone know which value I can change to do this? I can probably find it myself but I'm headed to bed so figured I would ask in hopes that someone already knows.

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All of them are what's known as xEdit, the alpha or beta release for each game in one program, much more easy to update that way I guess. So you would have to find that xEdit release page as the FO4 part is a alpha release I believe. From there the name is changed from xEdit to whatever game it is, an the hardcoded version of whatever game is dropped in the game folder along with the exe. It's all the same thing, so it works the same as TESEdit, FO3Edit, FNVEdit, SkyEdit.


You would need to know what all this stuff does before FO4, and then look at it in the new game trying to figure out what is what, as new things an interestingly different things are everywhere in it. Part of the appeal an pain in figuring it all out again. FO3/FNV fire rates were controled by the fire rate settings an attack animation setting. However it is different for NPC's as the computer has instant control of those, as noted in semi automatic fire being greater than fully auto fire, because the NPC's have a much faster trigger if you will, in those cases an should always be tested, or flagged as player only, or hidden on NPC an using a death item instead for weapon loot ect, the point is precise testing an that there are many ways to control it.





You would find some of the information on though not all of it an most of it remaining untested an unconfirmed, but some of the same English words used to describe things while editing would still be in there, I would imagine it would look quite complex, though it's really just a matter of looking for the controls part, balancing that level 1- 200 or whatever level you wanted to pick to balance, else it's just cheating for lowbie players, lastly more than a standard amount of testing, 3-6 tests under various conditions I would guess.

Edited by KimberJ
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