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[Need Help] Editing materials to work with Alpha


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I'm trying to add a new Wearable Travel Backpack as Aldebaran90 did with his mod, in particular I want to add the shoulder bag from the Postman outfit.


I'm using a very dirty method to add the bag in game, I know most modders will be disgusted by this, but it can't be avoided with my skills. What I'm doing is adding alpha property to the mesh, delete all the outfit from textures and leave only the bag. Basically the same method used to merge some armors in Skyrim modding.


I managed to add NiAlphaProperty to the mesh and loading it in game without any crash, but now I'm stuck because, I quote from the NifTools forum, "Also if you expect alpha to work you're also going to need to use a Material editor and change Materials\Clothes\Postman\Postman.BGSM to support the Alpha blend mode required and if you need alpha testing."


The problem is I can't edit materials. I don't have the skills and the tools. So if someone could be so kind to edit this material for me please, It would be greatly appreciated. Also I will quote and thank him/her when I release the mod of course.


Thanks for reading.


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