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A tough choice


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I would have liked to see for instance, Minutemen taking down the airship while the railroad assaults the institute. Or minutemen take out the Railroad and BoS the instute. Or just destroy the institute and ignore BoS entirely without having to destroy them, though i might not like them, i completely ignored them in one playthrough and i'm still forced to destroy them. That is just ridiculous, there is absolutly no reason only 2 factions have to survive. Hell i could be institute leader and secretively support the railroad from within. All this talk about it being about making hard choices is nonsense and just a way to camouflage the bad writting.


Siding with the Minutemen gives you the most latitude in who to kill or spare.


You can have the minutemen take down the BoS if you want. All it requires is that you be hostile towards the BoS; then you can talk to Preston about dealing with them. Same thing with the Institute- once hostile, the Minutemen will help you kill them if you ask them to. The Minutemen will, on the other hand, coexist peacefully with anyone you're not hostile towards. I don't believe there's any way to have the Minutemen destroy the Railroad (though I could be wrong about that; I honestly haven't tried it)- but there'd be no reason for them to. The Minutemen exist to protect the Commonwealth from threats to you and your allies in the Commonwealth, and if you ally with the Institute or BoS they will have you destroy the Railroad anyway, so there's no need for the Minutemen to step in.


You can finish the main quest and 'beat' the game with three factions intact by destroying the Institute with the Minutemen and leaving the BoS alone (since you won't be required to kill them if you never make them hostile).

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