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[Request] Take control of vertibirds


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I like the vertibirds. Great way to fast travel.

But the lack of control of the vertibirds is a bummer.


Today I called for a vertibird pick-up to get back to Sanctuary with all my loot. On my way I got a message that one of my settlements where under attack. So I gave the vertibird a new heading, and went towards the settlement to help out.

Arriving at the settlement, the vertibird just lands, and I get instakilled by mutants..


So what I would like to see is a mod that let you take control over the vertibird.

My idea would be to make it hover/circle over the destination until you tell it to land, instead of the auto-landing we got now.

This way you can see if the landing zone is clear, and if it's not, you can make that minigun come to good use for once.


I don't know anything about moding so I don't know if this is doable. But I hope one of you amazing moders out there like the idea and gives it a try. :)

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