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Realistic dismantling


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I know many people, myself included who likes to play with immersion and realism in mind. Scavanging junk is a big part of this game, but it does clash a bit with the immersion and realism when you jug around with 15 telelphones, 10 oil canisters, 25 teddybears, etc etc.

A really cool mod to still be able to scavange things but in a more realistic way would be if you could dismantle stuff on the go!

Say for example you find a telephone, you could remove the screws from it and just put them in your backpack. To make it even cooler you would perhaps need a screwdriver in your inventory to do this, or some other appropriate tool like a knife. Maybe you could also cut away some plastic from it and bring it with you.

Also you could have like a plastic bottle with you that can hold like 5-10 units of oil, so instead of bringing with you a bunch of big canisters with drops of oil left in them (i assume) from the field, you could pour the content into your oil flask when you find it and leave the empty canisters behind.

Would also love if this dismantling thing was something that took some time, so the time would advance like 10 mins when you do it, and you can't do it if there is danger around. I don't know if this part is doable though, so that is just something extra that would be cool.

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